Integrative Sound Journey & an introduction to Breath Testing

Description of workshop:
One of the primary techniques I use when working with people is breath testing. This is a form of muscle testing which many people do with their fingers, arms or entire bodies. The body is asked to respond to a Yes/No question. A benefit of using this form of testing is we are asking through our body to be in direct relationship with the greater ‘field of information’ which is a level of wisdom beyond ‘the mind’ or Ego. I was introduced to breath testing many years ago and use it in all kinds of situations. I prefer using my breath over another method as my ‘mind’ has an easier time receiving and relaxing into an answer. I still delight in the moments where my mind is certain about the answer to a question and the breath shows the opposite…. What will I choose to believe and act upon? This workshop will provide guidance for participants to experience how breath testing feels for them. After embedding this type of experience we will transition into a Meditative Sound Journey. Participants will be invited to create a personal intention for their sound journey and settle in comfortably on the floor or in a chair. During the sound Journey I use breath testing to receive ‘instruction’ from the collective field of intelligence on how to play the sound tools (gongs, bowls, chimes, rainsticks, etc.). I am holding the question ‘What is the most benevolent action now, now, now’. There is a potency to any group practice and these public sound journeys unfold into an incredibly mutually supportive vibrational field. Each journey is unique. I look forward to working with you.

About Lee

I am a Sound Therapy, Puo’ shk i’a ni Tameana, and Acutonics practitioner based in Frutivale. I work with Acutonics Planetary frequencies through tuning forks and hand chimes. I also weave Tibetan singing bowls, crystals, and traditional Wisdom practices into treatments. Sound Therapy and Acutonics are a very relaxing experience. This work is effective in initiating and fortifying a desired shift in one’s life. Both of these vibrational modalities are complementary practices. They work with other modalities and personal practices to enhance the benefits of everything one is doing.
I experience this work to be deeply joyful and holding both aspects of remembering and emergence. As the vibration from the sound tools travels through the water in our bodies, emotions, thought patterns, and physical impediments are accessed non-invasively. Places in the deepest parts of our being can soften, open, and utilize the frequency to transform inner resistance into receptivity. When we are relaxed and receptive it is easier for our own innate wisdom to direct us toward healing. This is when we can integrate wounds, misalignments, and patterns that have inhibited us from living fully and freely.
As a Tameana practitioner, I use the frequency of crystals and the power of symbols to activate geometry to transmute and transcend blockages in the energy fields. This practice aligns all layers of Self – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – across timelines and dimensions. Tameana is ancestral Galactic knowledge that has returned to our collective consciousness. It is very supportive for navigating the human and planetary evolution happening at this time. We are taking a big step into the expression ‘Being Made of Stardust.’ That stardust is waking up inside of our cells and expanding our consciousness.
Everything vibrates and thereby has a frequency. When our personal frequency experiences resonance in a Sound or Tameana session, our inner capacity to relax and re-member is encouraged. This is another way to speak of healing and the movement of opening ourselves to Life and our own Divinity.
I work with groups and individuals in public and private spaces throughout the region.
I look forward to meeting you.