Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy’s Relationship to Embodiment

Description of workshop:
To truly embody something means that you have a full body, felt sense experience of it. It means rather than just knowing something intellectually you also feel it as it occurs within the internal sensations of your body. Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on bodywork modality that supports inherent health from within the client’s system. Learn about how this therapy can deepen internal awareness and connection and explore embodiment through an awareness exercise you can take home with you.


About Jodi

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist
Personal Bio:
As a Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (RCST®), and a cross-cultural shamanic practitioner trained in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, Jodi supports individuals 1-1 through light touch in a therapeutic environment. In group settings, Jodi seeks to bring forward concepts for personal empowerment that support holistic intuitive health, embodiment, biophilia and animism